• Purchase from fake sellers will get nothing or counterfeits but lose your money, and no warranty guaranteed.
  • Purchase from unauthorized dealers or irregular merchants will put your product at risk of deactivation.
  • We highly recommend buying from sellers with authorized certifications. Check seller’s authentication here.
  • We also recommends reporting fake sellers, unauthorized sellers, irregularities merchant to us.

Amazon stores

Amazon irregularities account name:

Illegal links: [illegal account] [illegal listing]

eBay stores

eBay irregularities account name: buggybusters

Illegal reason: Selling deactivated devices

Illegal links: [illegal account], [illegal listing]

Walmart stores

Walmart irregularities account name: Flash Deals Inc

Illegal links: [illegal account], [illegal listing]

Self-built Websites

Self-built irregularities website:

Illegal links: [illegal account], [illegal listing]


Other irregularities account name: Perry Hart/Maywood IL

Illegal links: [illegal account], [illegal listing]

Other irregularities account name: A1 TRADE AND COMMERCE UNLIMITED INC

Illegal links: [illegal account], [illegal listing]

Report Fake/Irregularities